Command line tool
Usage pmedit-cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [METADATA FIELD(S)] file [files...]
-h, --help show this help message
-rt, --renameTemplate=STRING set a rename template for 'rename' command
any metadata field enclosed in {} will be substituted
with the actual field value
--license=email,key install batch license and quit
pass email and key separated with comma (no spaces) to
install batch license from the command line.
edit Set metadata
clear Clear metadata
rename Rename files from metadata
tojson Extract metadata as JSON
toyaml Extract metadata as YAML/Text
Enable field : [!]FIEDLNAME
A field is enabled by specifying it's name. If the name is prefixed wiht ! it will be disabled.
There are two special fields `all` and `none` which respectively enable and disable all of the fields.
By default all fields are disabled, so you must enable at least one or the command will be a no-op.
Set a value: FIEDLNAME=value
A field can be assigned a value with =, for example doc.title=WeeklyReport.
Assigning a value to field also enables it.
Fields that represent lists can be specified multiple times.
Dates can be specified in ISO format, e.g :
"2016-06-16'T'00:15:00.000'Z'" or "2016-06-16'T'00:15:00" or
"2016-06-16 00:15:00" or "2016-06-16"
Available fields :
doc.title doc.subject doc.keywords
doc.creator doc.producer doc.creationDate doc.modificationDate
doc.trapped basic.creatorTool basic.createDate basic.modifyDate
basic.baseURL basic.rating basic.label basic.nickname
basic.identifiers basic.advisories basic.metadataDate pdf.pdfVersion
pdf.keywords pdf.producer dc.title dc.description
dc.creators dc.contributors dc.coverage dc.dates
dc.format dc.identifier dc.languages dc.publishers
dc.relationships dc.rights dc.source dc.subjects
dc.types rights.certificate rights.marked rights.owner
rights.copyright rights.usageTerms rights.webStatement*
file.nameWithExt* file.sizeBytes* file.size* file.createTime*
* field is read only, assignment to it will be ignored
Clear all metadata:
pmedit-cli clear all file1.pdf file2.pdf
Clear only author and title:
pmedit-cli clear doc.title file1.pdf file2.pdf
Clear all except author and title:
pmedit-cli clear all !doc.title ! file1.pdf file2.pdf
Set author and title:
pmedit-cli edit "doc.title=The funniest book ever" " Guy" file1.pdf file2.pdf
Rename file from author and title:
pmedit-cli --renameTemplate "{} - {doc.title}.pdf" rename file1.pdf file2.pdf